Predictive Artificial Geo Intelligence
Data-Driven Insights
About the Future, Today
No one can predict the future but our algorithms get close.
Let our AI help with operational decision making, resiliency, risk management & more.
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Trusted and Verified Solutions
Bringing overwhelming technology to even the most basic of fights, our data can solve your problems today.
Supply Chain
Choke points and bottle necks don't need unexpected interruptions. Much more than alerts, this is integrated intelligence.
Concerts & Sports
Corridors flooded with people? Let's make sure rain and floods don't interrupt. With our help the show will go on.
The wheel might be where it all started but it's not where we're going. Now we need real intelligent tech to keep everything rolling.
Agriculture & Mining
$ doesn't grow on trees but it'll certainly fall off of them if they don't make it through the storm. We also help with gold digging. ;)
Solar. Wind. Rain. Fire. The elements may help us make power but they can also disrupt its generation. We keep a light on it.
They're Coming
They're here today. Drones and self-driving vehicles may be getting smarter but they still need help prepping for the weather.
< Let's Get (a little) Technical >
Data born. Data taught. Data driven.
Cloud Native
Always Web + ML
Our heads may have always been stuck in the clouds, but we live where the physical environment meets the silicon environment.
IoT Sensed
Not Just Our Two Cents
We're bringing more than just another weather station - what sensors do you need sensed and made sense of?
Multiple Data Feeds
We have lots of data, but maybe our data isn't enough. We're mature about it. We play nice with your data too.
Micro to Macro
Hyper Local to 10,000ft
A few miles up to a few inches off the ground. County-wide or just your front door. Flexible data modeled flexibly.
Our Cloud or Yours
SaaS or Licensed
From a cost-conscious, worry-free, us hosted SaaS API to a bespoke solution with you protected IP in your Cloud. Options.
An App for That
Bespoke, Boutique, un-Biased
If we don't have the app you need, we have the building blocks behind the scenes to get you there. Tell us what you're looking for.
Bespoke SaaS Frontends
+ API Services
Maps, custom interfaces, alerts, and data feeds all managed from a central point + fully integrated with your IT processes.
Quick Start Now:
Several open-source front-end applications pre-built for our API's and available for customization by our team or yours.