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Setting Up Habistack

Fathym Habistack offers developers comprehensive weather forecasting capabilities over freely chosen locations and routes across the globe, with any combination of variables.

In this getting started guide, in only a few clicks you'll be able to work with forecast data. We'll walk through connecting to the API, and once setup, show how to access forecast data and connect it with downstream technologies (AI/ML, PowerBI, JS). Finally, we'll walk through how to deliver these visualizations to customers in a secure way.

To kick things off, visit the Habistack sign up page (no credit card required) and access the dashboard.

Habistack Dashboard

Once signed in, the Habistack Dashboard will load with a Free License. A one stop, cloud-native weather forecast starting point, the dashboard is a control system for accessing the API, understanding data and connecting with downstream services.

Habistack Dashboard