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Getting Started with Fathym CLI 

Fathym is a framework and platform designed to streamline the development and deployment process for applications. It provides a variety of tools and features to manage the entire DevOps workflow, from development to deployment. With Fathym, you can quickly launch full-blown IoT infrastructure or use LCU recipes to get your application up and running in no time. 

The Fathym CLI gives you the most flexibility and control for how you can craft solutions with Fathym. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of setting up a static site using the Fathym CLI. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a solid understanding of the fundamentals of how Fathym works and how the CLI helps accelerate application delivery.  

LCU and EaC 

LCU and EaC are two terms that come up a lot in this tutorial, so we'll introduce them now.  

At its core, Fathym is a solution that allows you to efficiently craft solutions by combining custom, open-source, and SaaS/third party software components – what we call LowCodeUnits (LCUs). LCUs are composable automations of software components, configurations and services, the building blocks of the Fathym world. These flexible automations are versatile and can range from small instructions for scaffolding code, to API proxies, cloud resources or applications.  

When LCUs are invoked to craft solutions, they are committed to what we call Enterprise as Code (EaC). EaC is a directed graph database and command structure that defines and stores everything that makes up your Fathym enterprise.  

A Fathym enterprise is essentially a user’s Fathym account. It is the default structure and system that greets new users and the portfolio of any projects and applications that are deployed, hosted and stored in this structure. EaC is the all-in-one map and data and configuration store of the resources, services and workflows that make up your Fathym enterprise.  

As you go through these docs you will notice that a lot of CLI commands contain "eac". These commands are updating and giving instructions to the EaC, creating repositories, deploying applications, and much more. 

Building with Markdown

Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for writing plain text that can be converted to HTML. It's often used for creating documentation and blog sites because it's easy to read and write, and it can be styled with a lightweight system like TailwindCSS. With a little bit of management, you can use markdown and statically generate a blog with a GitHub file-based CMS.

These docs are part of a larger project and were built using markdown and delivered with the Fathym Runtime. Using a large JavaScript framework like React, Svelte, or Angular can be useful for building visually rich, interactive applications, but may not be necessary for every statically generated site.

Let's Build an App

At this point, you may be used to opening up a command prompt, globally installing a custom CLI, and executing a framework's create or init command. However, we're going to go a more basic route to start.

First, open your favorite IDE. We recommend VS Code for most of our open-source projects.

Next, open a command prompt and navigate to a folder of your choosing (VS Code has a built in terminal that is really nice to use).

npx make-dir-cli test
cd test

We used npx make-dir-cli and will use npx touch in a moment. We do this to support cross platform instructions (since we assume node.js is installed). You will need node.js installed to complete other aspects of these docs. Users that know their system commands can use those.

To start, create a new file with the following commands:

npx touch
npx fathym open

With the file open, add some basic markdown and then save Ctrl+S your file changes:

# Welcome to our App

This is our new app built on a static runtime.

Now, we need to create a deployable artifact that we'll send to Fathym for hosting. For our purposes, let's start with a zip artifact:

npx zip-cli -i ./ -o ./

This will generate a file in the working folder that you'll use for deployment to Fathym.


If you need to re-create the file, make sure to delete it first so that it isn't also included in the new zip.

Setting up Fathym

To start working with Fathym, you'll need to sign up for an account on Fathym's website.

Then you can install the CLI globally.

npm install @fathym/cli@latest -g

To authenticate the Fathym connection for the CLI, run the following command:

fathym auth

This will open your browser and prompt you to sign in with Fathym for the CLI. This will allow you to connect to your Fathym enterprises and related EaC data.

To view a list of your available enterprises, run:

fathym enterprises list

If you don't see any enterprises in the list, you will need to make sure you first visit the dashboard. Run fathym enterprises dashboard and an initial enterprise will be created for you.

Next you need to set your active enterprise, run the following and complete the prompts:

fathym enterprises set

This will set the enterprise that you will work with and manage. If you are just starting with Fathym, this will most likely be your personal enterprise.


The previous fathym commands will only need to be run again if you lose your authentication or want to change the enterprise you are managing. Otherwise, they do not need to be repeated.

Project Setup

With the CLI connected, we first need to create a project to house our new application. To do this, we will use Fathym's eac commands. Select - Create New - from the prompts. After the project and application have been drafted, you will select them from the prompts when required.

fathym eac projects define -n "My First Project"

Now, using a similar command, we will create an application that we can add to our project.

fathym eac applications define -n "My First Application"

We need to configure how our application will be chosen to handle a request. There are a number of options here, we'll keep it simple with a basic path lookup.

fathym eac applications lookup -p /

There are a number of different options for configuring how the application handles requests. To do this we configure the application's processor.

fathym eac applications processor DFS -d index.html -b /

The LCU for an application can be configured to manage security and server-side file modifications for the application. We'll configure a simple application for our zip files now.

fathym eac applications lcu Zip -z "https://{{Host}}/deploys/"

We have used the Host token as a dynamic way of accessing where the is located for deployment. In order to make the zip file available we can use another dev command to push the zip file to our Fathym Distributed File System (DFS), making it available to all projects and applications that we create in the enterprise.

fathym dfs upload ./ /deploys/

You can host the zip file anywhere it is publicly available, it does not have to be in our DFS. (private zip access is not currently available)

Then we can add the application to the project using the prompts and selecting our draft project and application.

fathym eac projects applications add

At this point, we haven't actually made any updates to our EaC. The commands we have used have simply created a draft. The purpose of this is to allow you to craft all of your updates for a single concept in a single request. Instead of individually updating, we can check our draft before committing.

fathym eac draft

Like code, we should keep our commits to a small and related set of updates. This ensures a clean history and understanding of changes applied to your enterprise. If you're happy with the draft, we can commit all of our changes to the EaC at once.

fathym eac commit "Added my first project and its first application"

This will commit all of the changes, creating the project, the application, and deploying the zip. To preview the application, you can run the following command:

fathym eac projects applications preview

It can take up to a minute for your new application preview to be ready.

You should see the raw markdown on the web page. Let's look at two last features of the Fathym EaC for this guide, we'll see them both in action in this next command.

fathym lcu @fathym-it/lcu-eac-modifiers-markdown-to-html

There are two features here. The first is our LCU Packages, which are the building blocks for composing your solutions. The second is a DFS Modifier, specifically for converting markdown into HTML.

Before we can see our newly installed modifier in action, we need to add it to a project (modifiers can also be added to individual applications).

fathym eac projects modifiers add
fathym eac commit "Added markdown modifier to project"

Let's open up another preview, this time at the projects level.

fathym eac projects preview

You should now see that your raw markdown is formatted as HTML.


It can take up to a minute for your new application preview to be ready. In addition, your frontend cache may be holding a version of the site, so do a hard reload in the browser to see changes.

Wrapping Up

That's it, we've launched our first application. We've seen a few core features of Fathym; we were introduced to the CLI and we can see how Fathym can host markdown from a deployment artifact.

This may seem like an overly simple flow, but note what most projects include at the root – a README file. At its very simplest, with Fathym you can host your README file to share with the world.

There are a couple of different things happening here that start to reveal the EaC and what it does. The system is organized into multiple management groups. This particular group works with projects and how/where its applications are hosted/deployed.


There are a number of different ways to configure the application and how it handles a request. It also provides a container to manage security and server-side file modifications.

In the next example we will expand on this app by adding in some HTML, leveraging additional Fathym Runtime features and changing up our deployment artifact.