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Fathym IoT Ensemble Supports Organizational Evolution

September 15, 2021 by Kim Loomis, Product Owner @ Fathym

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“Companies that invest more in digital transformation actually outperform their peers over time. These companies are more prepared for disruption, better able to monetize new digital channels, and better able to build a bigger user base. What’s more, this phenomenon exists regardless of industry.”

Geoff Cubitt, CEO Isobar US

IoT Ensemble supports Organizational Evolution.

The most successful businesses aren’t aiming to be bigger; they’re evolving to become more valuable. The more revenue, especially from automatically recurring subscriptions, the business can generate, the more attractive it is to buyers, investors and markets.

Organizations also evolve in order to survive. Those that evolve the most successfully will have a competitive advantage. Strategy is about ensuring that organization evolution happens. A strategically competent organization is one that continually evolves an advantage over other organizations.

When an organization undertakes a strategy of increasing the range of products and services they offer, one tactic to take is to employ SaaS (software as a service). SaaS makes sense for businesses large and small. It provides businesses with access to sophisticated, high-performance software that they may otherwise be unable to purchase due their limited IT budget. It's much more economical and it’s almost like having an entire expert team dedicated to a function that would never be as effective in-house.

IoT Ensemble Hosting Plans

For organizations of any size wanting to get IoT devices streaming data to the cloud and use that data, IoT Ensemble is the answer. It gives the organizations true flexibility when it comes to hosting.

As the organization tests the waters with IoT devices, it can utilize the shared plans. IoT Ensemble is a public SaaS and open to everyone. Data is hosted on Fathym’s Microsoft Azure account. Organizations can scale up from prototyping one device to getting multiple devices streaming data for their customers.

As the organization matures, IoT Ensemble can be moved and hosted in the organization’s own Azure account with an enterprise plan. It is private to the organization. It can be customized based on the organization’s needs – such as scaling up data telemetry – velocity and retention. The organization has more control over IoT Ensemble.

As activities evolve, the organization can take this customized SaaS in their private cloud and charge its customers to use IoT Ensemble. Now IoT Ensemble is helping to increase the organization’s recurring revenue stream through automatic subscriptions.


As a SaaS offering, IoT Ensemble has already increased your organization's recurring revenue stream. But there's even more. Organizations can take this customized SaaS in their private cloud that users are buying via subscription and white label it. This is when IoT Ensemble becomes “XYZ Corporation Data Services” or some such product - a SaaS that employs the name and branding (logos and colors) requested by the purchaser. The underlying technology is still all IoT Ensemble, but the packaging looks different. This helps the organization quickly attract new customers. The organization is able to offer tailored solutions. Every client is different. As such, they have different needs and preferences. White labeling lets organizations offer solutions to each of its clients, where otherwise organizations would not have been able to.

Bottom line, IoT Ensemble is ready for organizations, regardless of where they may be in their evolution. And it’s ready to support them as they progress forward.