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Global Edge Nework (GEN)

It's nice to have a project up and running in minutes, but simple hosting isn't everything. We want to reliably deliver our project in a secure, and scalable way. Fathym's Global Edge Network (GEN) will provide your projects with custom domains, free and automatic SSL certificates, as well as a globally scaled content delivery network.

Custom Domains

Most likely you're not trying to host your project on, but rather you're looking to host on your own custom domain. Custom domains provide your users with a more comfortable browsing experience for your project. While you could use the provided domain we gave you to get started, most likely you are wanting to bring your own domain. There are many places to get a domain, one of the easiest is at GoDaddy.

Bring Your Own Domain

Getting your project running on a custom domain is straightforward. You will need access to your domain's DNS management system (in our example here, GoDaddy) and then you'll be ready to go.

Click the tab to open the domain settings page for the project.

Configure domains

We'll need to create a CNAME record that maps our preferred subdomain (apex domains are not currently supported for projects) to the appropriate Global Edge Network (GEN) endpoint for your project. You can grab your GEN endpoint from the UI just under the host input.

Use this information to complete your DNS management form for a CNAME record where the Host is your subdomain (www in our example), the Point To value is the GEN endpoint from the Fathym UI (should start with fathym-cloud-prd-lcu-customers-), and the TTL is a value of your choosing. Here is an example setup in GoDaddy.

GoDaddy CNAME Add

Click save to capture the changes in the DNS management system, then come back to the Fathym UI and save the new domain as your custom domains input. Once saved, the custom domain will be registered with the GEN, and your project will be up and running on it, instead of the Fathym provided domain. This will include a fully managed SSL certificate.

Configure domains custom


If your subdomain is already running a site and you need a no downtime migration, please contact support so we can help you out. We will be bringing no downtime custom domain setup to the UI in a future release.

Managed SSL Certificates

As a part of the custom domain setup, Fathym also manages your SSL certificates from creation through renewal. No longer worry about keeping your SSL certificates up to date, and let us handle it for you.

Trusted SSL Partners

When leveraging Fathym for your SSL certificates, you can rest easy knowing that our trusted SSL partners are ensuring the integrity and security of your certificates.

Microsoft Azure

Leveraged for SSL certificates for many of our different deployment scenarios, Microsoft Azure is a world-class leader for development needs. Learn more about SSL with Azure.

Content Delivery

The final piece of the Fathym GEN is our content delivery system. While the full set of features is outside the scope of this document, the Fathym Distributed File System (DFS) is a cutting-edge system for delivering content and micro frontends at scale.

Fathym Distributed File System (DFS)

Built to deliver your content at global points of access closest to your users, while also adding dynamic file processing capabilities through file modifiers. File modifiers allow you to do things like add 3rd party software libraries at runtime, support pre-rendering workflows for your dynamic content and single-page applications, and can support different types of content manipulation like minification, compression and content inlining.

To power the GEN, we need a system to store and process the files and this is where the DFS comes in. Different than your standard file system, the DFS provides an easy way to share enterprise content across projects and is the backbone of Fathym's micro-frontend architecture.

Next Steps

This concludes our getting started journey and gives you what you need to bring your complete applications to life.

Next you can dig into relevant guides to get your projects up and running using the static sites and frameworks you love.