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Storage Access with Grafana

Grafana has many options for importing data. We recommend using the JSON API data source for Grafana plugin to load your IoT Ensemble data. It's a data source plugin for loading JSON data from REST APIs into Grafana.

The IoT Ensemble Dashboard displays your API Keys.

IoT Ensemble API Keys

For the Cold Query, use this URL:

Request URL:

For the Warm Query, use this URL:

Request URL:

In IoT Ensemble, use the 'Try It' section to see the parameters available for the Cold and Warm APIs, as well as test to see the responses.

Configuring Grafana Data Source

From the Grafana Home, click on Configuration > Data Sources

Grafana Data Sources

Click the 'Add data source' button and search for 'json'. Select the 'JSON API' plugin.

Grafana Data Sources

This example uses the Cold Query. Use the following values in the form:

  • URL:
  • Auth: With Credentials
  • Custom HTTP Headers: lcu-subscription-key: ***********
  • Query string: dataType=Telemetry&flatten=true&includeEmulated=false&resultType=JSON&zip=false

Grafana JSON API

Click the 'Save & Test' button to verify the connection is successful. It should say 'Success' like the screenshot above.


Use your primaryKey or secondaryKey from the IoT Ensemble API Keys for the lcu-subscription-key value. For example:

lcu-subscription-key: f24047c3d5b14f****

Create a Grafana Dashboard

Create a new dashboard and add a panel. For the data source, select the one you added above.

Grafana Panel

Switch to the Table visualization to easily view the raw data from storage. Use the screenshot below as a reference for how to access the device properties.

Grafana Query

Success! Now that your data is loaded into Grafana, you can build dashboards like this:

Grafana Dashboard